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Daily / Monthly Weather Statistics

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Daily Report for the month of November 2011

1 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 50.0°F
Average humidity 97%
Average dewpoint 49.3°F
Average barometer 29.88 inHg
Average windspeed 1.3 mph
Average gustspeed 3.4 mph
Average direction 157° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.02 in
Rainfall for year 31.50 in
Rainfall for day 0.02 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 20:00
Maximum temperature 52.0°F at 10:30
Minimum temperature 46.0°F at 00:53
Maximum humidity 99% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 91% at 13:26
Maximum pressure 29.92 inHg at 00:04
Minimum pressure 29.82 inHg at 22:06
Maximum windspeed 6.9 mph at 10:18
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 180°( S ) at 10:09
Maximum heat index 52.0°F at 10:30

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2 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 50.0°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 49.6°F
Average barometer 29.89 inHg
Average windspeed 0.9 mph
Average gustspeed 2.7 mph
Average direction 149° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.04 in
Rainfall for year 31.52 in
Rainfall for day 0.02 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 20:56
Maximum temperature 53.4°F at 13:48
Minimum temperature 48.0°F at 19:20
Maximum humidity 100% at 17:42
Minimum humidity 96% at 15:47
Maximum pressure 29.94 inHg at 20:27
Minimum pressure 29.83 inHg at 00:05
Maximum windspeed 3.4 mph at 23:48
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 135°( SE) at 00:53
Maximum heat index 53.4°F at 13:48

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3 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 46.2°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 46.0°F
Average barometer 29.90 inHg
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 1.6 mph
Average direction 117° (ESE)
Rainfall for month 0.13 in
Rainfall for year 31.61 in
Rainfall for day 0.09 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 21:51
Maximum temperature 48.7°F at 00:25
Minimum temperature 43.7°F at 00:00
Maximum humidity 99% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 99% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 29.93 inHg at 00:11
Minimum pressure 29.84 inHg at 23:18
Maximum windspeed 3.4 mph at 04:06
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 158°(SSE) at 04:05
Maximum heat index 48.7°F at 00:25

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4 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 43.7°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 43.5°F
Average barometer 29.84 inHg
Average windspeed 0.4 mph
Average gustspeed 1.8 mph
Average direction 49° ( NE)
Rainfall for month 0.30 in
Rainfall for year 31.78 in
Rainfall for day 0.17 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 20:58
Maximum temperature 44.4°F at 19:11
Minimum temperature 43.0°F at 03:50
Maximum humidity 99% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 99% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 29.88 inHg at 23:46
Minimum pressure 29.81 inHg at 17:41
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 18:17
Maximum gust speed 6.9 mph from 023°(NNE) at 05:26
Maximum heat index 44.4°F at 19:11

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5 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 45.5°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 45.3°F
Average barometer 30.03 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 95° ( E )
Rainfall for month 0.37 in
Rainfall for year 31.85 in
Rainfall for day 0.07 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 16:01
Maximum temperature 46.9°F at 12:36
Minimum temperature 43.9°F at 00:03
Maximum humidity 100% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 99% at 23:58
Maximum pressure 30.14 inHg at 21:03
Minimum pressure 29.88 inHg at 00:00
Maximum windspeed 1.1 mph at 23:52
Maximum gust speed 4.7 mph from 045°( NE) at 17:07
Maximum heat index 46.9°F at 12:36

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6 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 43.5°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 43.3°F
Average barometer 30.19 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 76° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.38 in
Rainfall for year 31.86 in
Rainfall for day 0.01 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 09:21
Maximum temperature 44.4°F at 15:18
Minimum temperature 41.0°F at 23:27
Maximum humidity 100% at 18:22
Minimum humidity 98% at 23:21
Maximum pressure 30.29 inHg at 22:04
Minimum pressure 30.11 inHg at 05:05
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 04:52
Maximum gust speed 4.7 mph from 045°( NE) at 04:52
Maximum heat index 44.4°F at 15:18

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7 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 38.8°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 38.7°F
Average barometer 30.33 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 303° (WNW)
Rainfall for month 0.38 in
Rainfall for year 31.86 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 42.4°F at 01:06
Minimum temperature 35.2°F at 21:13
Maximum humidity 100% at 00:35
Minimum humidity 99% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 30.35 inHg at 11:02
Minimum pressure 30.29 inHg at 00:05
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 05:31
Maximum gust speed 4.7 mph from 270°( W ) at 05:30
Maximum heat index 42.4°F at 01:06

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8 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 42.1°F
Average humidity 89%
Average dewpoint 38.8°F
Average barometer 30.34 inHg
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.9 mph
Average direction 5° ( N )
Rainfall for month 0.38 in
Rainfall for year 31.86 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 50.5°F at 12:44
Minimum temperature 35.1°F at 03:24
Maximum humidity 100% at 06:12
Minimum humidity 73% at 13:27
Maximum pressure 30.36 inHg at 12:04
Minimum pressure 30.32 inHg at 04:23
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 14:03
Maximum gust speed 6.9 mph from 293°(WNW) at 12:17
Maximum heat index 50.5°F at 12:44

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9 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 41.7°F
Average humidity 87%
Average dewpoint 38.1°F
Average barometer 30.35 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 30° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 0.39 in
Rainfall for year 31.87 in
Rainfall for day 0.01 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 09:48
Maximum temperature 49.3°F at 14:05
Minimum temperature 38.1°F at 19:30
Maximum humidity 94% at 22:30
Minimum humidity 70% at 12:51
Maximum pressure 30.38 inHg at 23:58
Minimum pressure 30.32 inHg at 06:04
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 13:32
Maximum gust speed 5.8 mph from 023°(NNE) at 13:19
Maximum heat index 49.3°F at 14:05

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10 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 39.9°F
Average humidity 97%
Average dewpoint 39.2°F
Average barometer 30.46 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.0 mph
Average direction 26° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 0.39 in
Rainfall for year 31.87 in
Rainfall for day 0.01 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 22:48
Maximum temperature 40.8°F at 15:36
Minimum temperature 39.0°F at 07:07
Maximum humidity 99% at 23:21
Minimum humidity 92% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 30.54 inHg at 00:00
Minimum pressure 30.37 inHg at 00:14
Maximum windspeed 1.1 mph at 10:50
Maximum gust speed 2.2 mph from 045°( NE) at 10:49
Maximum heat index 40.8°F at 15:36

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11 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 38.8°F
Average humidity 94%
Average dewpoint 37.2°F
Average barometer 30.58 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.2 mph
Average direction 129° ( SE)
Rainfall for month 0.39 in
Rainfall for year 31.87 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 40.1°F at 00:14
Minimum temperature 36.7°F at 22:31
Maximum humidity 99% at 05:51
Minimum humidity 88% at 15:49
Maximum pressure 30.61 inHg at 11:27
Minimum pressure 30.54 inHg at 00:08
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 21:13
Maximum gust speed 3.4 mph from 135°( SE) at 21:13
Maximum heat index 40.1°F at 00:14

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12 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 35.2°F
Average humidity 92%
Average dewpoint 33.3°F
Average barometer 30.58 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 134° ( SE)
Rainfall for month 0.39 in
Rainfall for year 31.87 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 36.9°F at 00:01
Minimum temperature 34.3°F at 09:35
Maximum humidity 100% at 10:09
Minimum humidity 90% at 13:48
Maximum pressure 30.61 inHg at 09:43
Minimum pressure 30.54 inHg at 23:48
Maximum windspeed 1.1 mph at 23:58
Maximum gust speed 4.7 mph from 135°( SE) at 22:31
Maximum heat index 36.9°F at 00:01

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13 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 37.0°F
Average humidity 92%
Average dewpoint 34.9°F
Average barometer 30.50 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 57° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.01 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 10:20
Maximum temperature 45.1°F at 22:27
Minimum temperature 31.6°F at 06:10
Maximum humidity 98% at 09:56
Minimum humidity 75% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 30.54 inHg at 00:03
Minimum pressure 30.42 inHg at 23:47
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 18:44
Maximum gust speed 5.8 mph from 270°( W ) at 18:43
Maximum heat index 45.1°F at 22:27

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14 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 41.5°F
Average humidity 73%
Average dewpoint 33.6°F
Average barometer 30.38 inHg
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.9 mph
Average direction 291° (WNW)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 47.7°F at 14:25
Minimum temperature 35.4°F at 18:44
Maximum humidity 83% at 21:06
Minimum humidity 59% at 13:51
Maximum pressure 30.42 inHg at 00:38
Minimum pressure 30.35 inHg at 20:16
Maximum windspeed 4.7 mph at 10:04
Maximum gust speed 6.9 mph from 293°(WNW) at 10:10
Maximum heat index 47.7°F at 14:25

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15 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 35.1°F
Average humidity 77%
Average dewpoint 28.6°F
Average barometer 30.38 inHg
Average windspeed 0.2 mph
Average gustspeed 0.9 mph
Average direction 282° (WNW)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 41.5°F at 13:51
Minimum temperature 30.9°F at 21:10
Maximum humidity 84% at 04:46
Minimum humidity 64% at 14:29
Maximum pressure 30.40 inHg at 11:23
Minimum pressure 30.36 inHg at 03:15
Maximum windspeed 3.4 mph at 10:27
Maximum gust speed 9.2 mph from 293°(WNW) at 07:02
Maximum heat index 41.5°F at 13:51

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16 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 27.5°F
Average humidity 91%
Average dewpoint 25.3°F
Average barometer 30.26 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.2 mph
Average direction 290° (WNW)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 32.0°F at 12:36
Minimum temperature 23.5°F at 23:56
Maximum humidity 96% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 81% at 00:08
Maximum pressure 30.37 inHg at 00:29
Minimum pressure 30.15 inHg at 00:00
Maximum windspeed 1.1 mph at 13:56
Maximum gust speed 2.2 mph from 270°( W ) at 13:55
Maximum heat index 32.0°F at 12:36

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17 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 25.0°F
Average humidity 94%
Average dewpoint 23.4°F
Average barometer 30.07 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.2 mph
Average direction 345° (NNW)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 31.5°F at 13:33
Minimum temperature 21.7°F at 21:43
Maximum humidity 96% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 85% at 13:52
Maximum pressure 30.15 inHg at 00:04
Minimum pressure 29.99 inHg at 23:42
Maximum windspeed 1.1 mph at 14:28
Maximum gust speed 3.4 mph from 338°(NNW) at 04:18
Maximum heat index 31.5°F at 13:33

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18 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 30.6°F
Average humidity 97%
Average dewpoint 29.8°F
Average barometer 29.88 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 54° ( NE)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 43.7°F at 23:27
Minimum temperature 21.4°F at 03:56
Maximum humidity 99% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 94% at 04:16
Maximum pressure 30.00 inHg at 00:03
Minimum pressure 29.76 inHg at 20:31
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 23:05
Maximum gust speed 5.8 mph from 135°( SE) at 18:17
Maximum heat index 43.7°F at 23:27

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19 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 41.2°F
Average humidity 98%
Average dewpoint 40.8°F
Average barometer 29.93 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 58° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 44.1°F at 12:23
Minimum temperature 39.4°F at 07:18
Maximum humidity 100% at 01:07
Minimum humidity 96% at 13:26
Maximum pressure 30.03 inHg at 00:00
Minimum pressure 29.78 inHg at 00:00
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 04:36
Maximum gust speed 4.7 mph from 045°( NE) at 04:04
Maximum heat index 44.1°F at 12:23

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20 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 37.9°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 37.6°F
Average barometer 30.05 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.2 mph
Average direction 76° (ENE)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 40.3°F at 01:25
Minimum temperature 34.9°F at 23:35
Maximum humidity 99% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 98% at 18:09
Maximum pressure 30.08 inHg at 22:01
Minimum pressure 30.01 inHg at 04:26
Maximum windspeed 0.0 mph at 00:00
Maximum gust speed 1.1 mph from 113°(ESE) at 23:47
Maximum heat index 40.3°F at 01:25

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21 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 32.9°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 32.7°F
Average barometer 30.10 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 13° (NNE)
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 35.1°F at 00:00
Minimum temperature 30.0°F at 00:00
Maximum humidity 100% at 06:54
Minimum humidity 98% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 30.17 inHg at 23:56
Minimum pressure 30.06 inHg at 01:55
Maximum windspeed 2.2 mph at 21:54
Maximum gust speed 4.7 mph from 023°(NNE) at 18:09
Maximum heat index 35.1°F at 00:00

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22 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 31.8°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 31.5°F
Average barometer 30.20 inHg
Average windspeed 0.0 mph
Average gustspeed 0.4 mph
Average direction 275° ( W )
Rainfall for month 0.40 in
Rainfall for year 31.88 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 33.6°F at 00:00
Minimum temperature 29.8°F at 00:32
Maximum humidity 99% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 98% at 09:27
Maximum pressure 30.23 inHg at 12:57
Minimum pressure 30.17 inHg at 04:40
Maximum windspeed 1.1 mph at 19:38
Maximum gust speed 3.4 mph from 180°( S ) at 17:59
Maximum heat index 33.6°F at 00:00

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23 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 37.9°F
Average humidity 99%
Average dewpoint 37.6°F
Average barometer 30.02 inHg
Average windspeed 1.3 mph
Average gustspeed 3.1 mph
Average direction 163° (SSE)
Rainfall for month 0.43 in
Rainfall for year 31.91 in
Rainfall for day 0.02 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 04:13
Maximum temperature 46.8°F at 00:00
Minimum temperature 33.4°F at 00:54
Maximum humidity 99% at 20:41
Minimum humidity 97% at 00:00
Maximum pressure 30.20 inHg at 00:00
Minimum pressure 29.81 inHg at 23:59
Maximum windspeed 8.1 mph at 18:39
Maximum gust speed 16.1 mph from 180°( S ) at 23:53
Maximum heat index 46.8°F at 00:00

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24 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 41.5°F
Average humidity 82%
Average dewpoint 36.5°F
Average barometer 29.93 inHg
Average windspeed 1.3 mph
Average gustspeed 3.1 mph
Average direction 210° (SSW)
Rainfall for month 0.43 in
Rainfall for year 31.91 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 47.7°F at 01:04
Minimum temperature 37.2°F at 10:21
Maximum humidity 98% at 23:40
Minimum humidity 68% at 05:15
Maximum pressure 30.02 inHg at 13:01
Minimum pressure 29.78 inHg at 23:50
Maximum windspeed 9.2 mph at 04:33
Maximum gust speed 15.0 mph from 248°(WSW) at 04:32
Maximum heat index 47.7°F at 01:04

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25 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 43.7°F
Average humidity 79%
Average dewpoint 37.2°F
Average barometer 29.52 inHg
Average windspeed 5.1 mph
Average gustspeed 9.4 mph
Average direction 228° ( SW)
Rainfall for month 0.43 in
Rainfall for year 31.91 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 48.7°F at 09:06
Minimum temperature 37.2°F at 19:06
Maximum humidity 98% at 00:52
Minimum humidity 57% at 14:56
Maximum pressure 29.79 inHg at 00:02
Minimum pressure 29.43 inHg at 08:37
Maximum windspeed 16.1 mph at 13:43
Maximum gust speed 27.7 mph from 248°(WSW) at 14:48
Maximum heat index 48.7°F at 09:06

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26 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 38.7°F
Average humidity 78%
Average dewpoint 32.0°F
Average barometer 29.43 inHg
Average windspeed 4.7 mph
Average gustspeed 8.3 mph
Average direction 242° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 0.43 in
Rainfall for year 31.91 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 41.4°F at 12:02
Minimum temperature 36.7°F at 06:30
Maximum humidity 96% at 00:00
Minimum humidity 64% at 12:08
Maximum pressure 29.59 inHg at 08:33
Minimum pressure 29.13 inHg at 23:55
Maximum windspeed 15.0 mph at 03:59
Maximum gust speed 25.3 mph from 248°(WSW) at 03:45
Maximum heat index 41.4°F at 12:02

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27 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 46.9°F
Average humidity 71%
Average dewpoint 37.8°F
Average barometer 29.00 inHg
Average windspeed 6.0 mph
Average gustspeed 11.0 mph
Average direction 249° (WSW)
Rainfall for month 0.44 in
Rainfall for year 31.92 in
Rainfall for day 0.02 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 17:31
Maximum temperature 54.5°F at 06:44
Minimum temperature 37.8°F at 18:45
Maximum humidity 96% at 00:12
Minimum humidity 49% at 23:44
Maximum pressure 29.59 inHg at 00:00
Minimum pressure 28.69 inHg at 14:21
Maximum windspeed 16.1 mph at 01:54
Maximum gust speed 26.4 mph from 248°(WSW) at 11:45
Maximum heat index 54.5°F at 06:44

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28 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 38.3°F
Average humidity 69%
Average dewpoint 28.6°F
Average barometer 29.77 inHg
Average windspeed 2.0 mph
Average gustspeed 4.5 mph
Average direction 233° ( SW)
Rainfall for month 0.44 in
Rainfall for year 31.92 in
Rainfall for day 0.00 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.00 in at 00:00
Maximum temperature 43.9°F at 14:16
Minimum temperature 33.1°F at 04:16
Maximum humidity 92% at 23:59
Minimum humidity 50% at 01:42
Maximum pressure 29.83 inHg at 13:47
Minimum pressure 29.59 inHg at 00:02
Maximum windspeed 12.8 mph at 01:36
Maximum gust speed 19.5 mph from 270°( W ) at 01:35
Maximum heat index 43.9°F at 14:16

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29 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 45.0°F
Average humidity 92%
Average dewpoint 42.8°F
Average barometer 29.56 inHg
Average windspeed 3.6 mph
Average gustspeed 7.8 mph
Average direction 181° ( S )
Rainfall for month 0.50 in
Rainfall for year 31.98 in
Rainfall for day 0.06 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 18:48
Maximum temperature 48.7°F at 17:02
Minimum temperature 39.6°F at 05:40
Maximum humidity 99% at 16:57
Minimum humidity 81% at 07:35
Maximum pressure 29.76 inHg at 00:19
Minimum pressure 29.30 inHg at 00:00
Maximum windspeed 15.0 mph at 22:46
Maximum gust speed 26.4 mph from 203°(SSW) at 22:46
Maximum heat index 48.7°F at 17:02

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30 November Average and Extremes
Average temperature 41.7°F
Average humidity 79%
Average dewpoint 35.4°F
Average barometer 29.54 inHg
Average windspeed 6.5 mph
Average gustspeed 11.4 mph
Average direction 235° ( SW)
Rainfall for month 0.54 in
Rainfall for year 32.02 in
Rainfall for day 0.04 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in at 03:15
Maximum temperature 46.6°F at 04:18
Minimum temperature 36.0°F at 21:14
Maximum humidity 97% at 03:36
Minimum humidity 64% at 14:34
Maximum pressure 29.80 inHg at 20:46
Minimum pressure 29.19 inHg at 03:36
Maximum windspeed 17.2 mph at 08:28
Maximum gust speed 28.9 mph from 225°( SW) at 12:13
Maximum heat index 46.6°F at 04:18

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Average and Extremes for Month of November 2011 up to day 30
Average temperature 39.7°F
Average humidity 91%
Average dewpoint 37.0°F
Average barometer 30.03 inHg
Average windspeed 1.1 mph
Average gustspeed 2.5 mph
Average direction 225° ( SW)
Rainfall for month 0.54 in
Rainfall for year 32.02 in
Maximum rain per minute 0.01 in on day 05 at 16:01
Maximum temperature 54.5°F on day 27 at 06:44
Minimum temperature 21.4°F on day 18 at 03:56
Maximum humidity 100% on day 21 at 06:54
Minimum humidity 49% on day 27 at 23:44
Maximum pressure 30.61 inHg on day 11 at 11:27
Minimum pressure 28.69 inHg on day 27 at 14:21
Maximum windspeed 17.2 mph from 248°(WSW) on day 30 at 08:28
Maximum gust speed 28.9 mph from 225°( SW) on day 30 at 12:13
Maximum heat index 54.5°F on day 27 at 06:44
Avg daily max temp44.1°F
Avg daily min temp35.8°F
Frost days7
Ice days2

Daily Rain Totals
0.02 in on day 1
0.02 in on day 2
0.09 in on day 3
0.17 in on day 4
0.07 in on day 5
0.01 in on day 6
0.01 in on day 9
0.01 in on day 10
0.01 in on day 13
0.02 in on day 23
0.02 in on day 27
0.06 in on day 29
0.04 in on day 30
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