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Forecast from Yr Norsk


Here is the weather forecast for Austad/Fjell. First a detailed graph showing the forecast hour-by-hour. Then follows a forecast for the next 10 days.All forecasts are updated regulary.

Weather forecast is built on data from, delivered by Norwegian Meteorological Institute and NRK.

NB: The units in the first chart are metrical!


Meteogram for Austad/Fjell


Wind (gust)
2024.07.27 10:00 Cloud 63.0°F 89.1% From north-northwest 1.6mph (5.1mph) 1,007.5hPa
  11:00 Cloud 64.2°F 84.4% From north-northwest 1.3mph (5.6mph) 1,007.5hPa
  12:00 Cloud 65.3°F 80.4% From south-southwest 2.5mph (7.6mph) 1,007.5hPa
  13:00 PartlyCloud 67.1°F 78.8% From southeast 3.4mph (10.3mph) 1,007.7hPa
  14:00 PartlyCloud 67.3°F 78.6% From east 3.8mph (11.0mph) 1,008.0hPa
  15:00 PartlyCloud 0.00 - 0.02 in 69.3°F 79.9% From east-southeast 5.4mph (13.6mph) 1,008.0hPa
  16:00 PartlyCloud 0.00 - 0.05 in 67.8°F 72.3% From south 6.7mph (18.6mph) 1,008.1hPa
  17:00 LightCloud 0.00 - 0.05 in 68.4°F 62.3% From southeast 5.8mph (15.9mph) 1,007.8hPa
  18:00 LightCloud 0.00 - 0.07 in 67.5°F 68.7% From southeast 6.9mph (17.7mph) 1,007.7hPa
  19:00 LightRainThunderSun 0.00 - 0.10 in 65.1°F 89.7% From north-northeast 6.7mph (26.2mph) 1,008.5hPa
  20:00 LightRainThunderSun 0.00 - 0.05 in 63.0°F 86.9% From northwest 2.7mph (14.1mph) 1,008.9hPa
  21:00 Cloud 0.00 - 0.04 in 60.1°F 92.6% From east 2.5mph (9.2mph) 1,009.7hPa
  22:00 Cloud 0.00 - 0.02 in 60.1°F 92.7% From northwest 3.8mph (7.8mph) 1,010.1hPa
  23:00 Cloud 0.00 - 0.02 in 59.0°F 90.0% From west-northwest 4.9mph (10.3mph) 1,010.5hPa
  00:00 Cloud 0.00 - 0.01 in 58.1°F 90.6% From west-northwest 5.1mph (12.8mph) 1,011.0hPa
2024.07.28 01:00 Cloud 0.00 - 0.03 in 57.2°F 91.6% From west-northwest 4.7mph (11.0mph) 1,011.1hPa
  02:00 Cloud 56.5°F 89.0% From west 4.9mph (11.2mph) 1,011.2hPa
  03:00 Cloud 56.1°F 88.6% From west-northwest 5.6mph (11.9mph) 1,011.6hPa
  04:00 Cloud 55.6°F 88.0% From west-northwest 5.1mph (12.3mph) 1,012.0hPa
  05:00 Cloud 55.2°F 85.5% From west-northwest 6.0mph (12.8mph) 1,012.6hPa
  06:00 Cloud 55.4°F 82.8% From west-northwest 6.5mph (14.1mph) 1,013.2hPa
  07:00 PartlyCloud 56.7°F 81.1% From west-northwest 6.0mph (14.1mph) 1,013.9hPa
  08:00 LightCloud 58.6°F 77.3% From west-northwest 6.5mph (14.5mph) 1,014.5hPa
  09:00 LightCloud 61.0°F 72.5% From north 5.8mph (14.3mph) 1,015.0hPa
  10:00 LightCloud 63.1°F 69.2% From north 7.4mph (16.6mph) 1,015.6hPa
  11:00 LightCloud 65.1°F 66.8% From north 8.1mph (19.0mph) 1,015.8hPa
  12:00 LightCloud 66.9°F 61.9% From north 7.6mph (19.0mph) 1,016.0hPa
  13:00 LightCloud 68.4°F 57.9% From north-northeast 6.5mph (18.1mph) 1,016.1hPa
  14:00 LightCloud 69.8°F 54.3% From north-northeast 4.9mph (16.1mph) 1,016.0hPa
  15:00 LightCloud 71.1°F 51.6% From north-northeast 3.8mph (13.9mph) 1,016.1hPa
  16:00 LightCloud 71.8°F 49.8% From northeast 3.4mph (11.9mph) 1,016.3hPa
  17:00 LightCloud 71.8°F 49.0% From north-northeast 3.1mph (10.7mph) 1,016.3hPa
  18:00 LightCloud 71.1°F 47.6% From north-northeast 3.1mph (9.6mph) 1,016.3hPa
  19:00 LightCloud 70.2°F 46.5% From north 2.5mph (8.3mph) 1,016.5hPa
  20:00 LightCloud 68.2°F 54.8% From north 2.2mph (6.0mph) 1,016.8hPa
  21:00 PartlyCloud 65.5°F 64.2% From north 4.0mph (8.1mph) 1,017.6hPa
  22:00 PartlyCloud 62.8°F 74.0% From east 2.2mph (10.1mph) 1,018.6hPa
  23:00 LightCloud 61.3°F 75.5% From west-northwest 1.8mph (4.7mph) 1,019.2hPa
  00:00 PartlyCloud 59.9°F 69.0% From west 4.0mph (8.5mph) 1,019.8hPa
2024.07.29 01:00 PartlyCloud 58.1°F 70.7% From west-northwest 4.9mph (10.3mph) 1,020.2hPa
  02:00 Sun 56.1°F 74.3% From west-northwest 4.5mph (10.7mph) 1,020.7hPa
  03:00 Sun 54.9°F 73.6% From west 4.9mph (10.1mph) 1,021.2hPa
  04:00 Sun 53.8°F 75.8% From west-northwest 4.3mph (10.5mph) 1,021.7hPa
  05:00 Sun 53.1°F 78.1% From west 4.0mph (8.9mph) 1,021.9hPa
  06:00 Sun 53.6°F 78.7% From west 3.8mph (8.3mph) 1,022.4hPa
  07:00 Sun 56.1°F 74.6% From west-northwest 3.4mph (8.1mph) 1,022.7hPa
  08:00 Sun 59.2°F 69.6% From northwest 2.9mph (7.8mph) 1,022.8hPa
  09:00 LightCloud 61.5°F 65.9% From north-northwest 2.2mph (7.6mph) 1,022.8hPa
  10:00 LightCloud 63.1°F 60.4% From east 1.6mph (7.6mph) 1,022.7hPa
  11:00 PartlyCloud 64.4°F 59.3% From east-southeast 2.5mph (8.1mph) 1,022.4hPa
  12:00 PartlyCloud 65.8°F 59.0% From east-southeast 2.9mph (9.2mph) 1,022.0hPa
  13:00 PartlyCloud 67.8°F 59.8% From east-southeast 3.6mph (11.2mph) 1,021.5hPa
  14:00 PartlyCloud 69.4°F 59.1% From east-southeast 5.4mph (14.5mph) 1,021.1hPa
  20:00 Cloud 68.2°F 74.1% From south-southeast 5.8mph ( mph) 1,017.9hPa
  02:00 Cloud 56.3°F 95.5% From east-southeast 2.5mph ( mph) 1,017.1hPa
2024.07.30 08:00 LightCloud 59.4°F 88.4% From west-northwest 2.2mph ( mph) 1,016.0hPa
  14:00 PartlyCloud 73.9°F 49.3% From west-southwest 4.9mph ( mph) 1,015.2hPa
  20:00 LightCloud 70.9°F 71.3% From south-southeast 5.6mph ( mph) 1,013.1hPa
  02:00 Sun 58.5°F 79.7% From west-northwest 6.5mph ( mph) 1,013.5hPa
2024.07.31 08:00 Sun 60.1°F 85.0% From west-northwest 5.4mph ( mph) 1,014.1hPa
  14:00 PartlyCloud 73.4°F 45.6% From west-northwest 3.1mph ( mph) 1,015.3hPa
  20:00 LightCloud 69.8°F 69.7% From south-southeast 4.3mph ( mph) 1,013.6hPa
  02:00 Sun 57.6°F 87.3% From northwest 2.7mph ( mph) 1,014.6hPa
2024.08.01 08:00 PartlyCloud 60.6°F 85.1% From north-northwest 2.9mph ( mph) 1,015.2hPa
  14:00 Cloud 72.5°F 58.4% From east-southeast 3.8mph ( mph) 1,014.2hPa
  20:00 Cloud 69.6°F 76.1% From south-southeast 3.4mph ( mph) 1,012.9hPa
  02:00 Cloud 60.1°F 88.0% From north-northwest 2.5mph ( mph) 1,012.6hPa
2024.08.02 08:00 LightCloud 60.6°F 80.6% From north-northwest 2.5mph ( mph) 1,012.3hPa
  14:00 LightCloud 73.4°F 53.0% From south-southeast 3.8mph ( mph) 1,012.0hPa
  20:00 PartlyCloud 69.8°F 75.3% From south-southeast 4.0mph ( mph) 1,011.6hPa
  02:00 LightCloud 59.2°F 92.8% From north-northwest 2.5mph ( mph) 1,011.9hPa
2024.08.03 08:00 LightCloud 61.2°F 91.9% From north-northwest 2.5mph ( mph) 1,012.5hPa
  14:00 Cloud 72.1°F 57.5% From south-southeast 5.6mph ( mph) 1,010.6hPa
  20:00 PartlyCloud 69.4°F 81.5% From south-southeast 5.1mph ( mph) 1,011.0hPa
  02:00 Cloud 59.5°F 93.7% From south-southeast 2.7mph ( mph) 1,011.0hPa
2024.08.04 08:00 PartlyCloud 60.4°F 92.3% From south-southeast 3.4mph ( mph) 1,010.6hPa
  14:00 LightRain 0.00 - 0.12 in 70.2°F 85.7% From south-southeast 8.7mph ( mph) 1,009.6hPa
  20:00 Cloud 66.4°F 75.5% From south 6.9mph ( mph) 1,009.7hPa
  02:00 LightRain 0.00 - 0.10 in 61.3°F 98.1% From south-southeast 4.5mph ( mph) 1,010.3hPa
2024.08.05 08:00 LightRain 0.00 - 0.11 in 60.3°F 95.9% From south-southeast 4.5mph ( mph) 1,009.3hPa
  14:00 LightRain 0.00 - 0.10 in 68.0°F 92.9% From south-southeast 8.9mph ( mph) 1,008.7hPa
  20:00 Cloud 66.0°F 82.6% From south-southeast 6.9mph ( mph) 1,009.2hPa
  02:00 Cloud 60.1°F 93.4% From south-southeast 3.8mph ( mph) 1,009.5hPa
2024.08.06 08:00 Cloud 60.1°F 94.1% From south-southwest 3.6mph ( mph) 1,010.0hPa
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